Monday, February 28, 2011

Luke - O Bardo Apresenta: 7 Imagens que Parecem de Photoshop, Mas Não São

Na sequência deste post, apresento-vos mais 7 imagens que, à primeira vista, parecem ter sido manipuladas por um qualquer programa de computador, mas na realidade não sofreram qualquer alteração.
1. O ponto de “interrogexclamação!?”
Parece photoshop mas não é, trata-se do trabalho da artista japonesa Kumi Yamashita, onde através de técnicas de iluminação, conjugadas com diversos objectos, consegue produzir sombras com formas diversas.

Aqui fica outro exemplo:

2. Será que é Jesus Cristo?
Andar em água é facil quando se é Jesus Cristo e se tem poderes, mas nesta imagem o único poder utilizado é o sal e as suas propriedades. Esta fotografia foi tirada no Salar de Uyuni, uma planície salgada, a maior do mundo, localizada na Bolívia. Em certas épocas a água fica pouco profunda e o sal permite realizar este tipo de ilusões.

3. Mas isto são duas imagens, uma em cima da outra:
Não, não são. E não, o barco não se está a dirigir à aldeia. Bem, pelo menos agora não está. Este é o MV Pasha Bulker, um barco que ficou encalhado em Nobbys Beach na Austrália depois de uma tempestade quase o ter atirado para cima da localidade, ficando apenas a 30m  da costa.

4. A Avon já chegou ao fundo do mar:
Esta é claramente photoshop… Não é? Mais uma vez não, trata-se de uma espécie de peixe denominado Ogcocephalus Porrectus. Vivem na Ilha de Coco, perto da costa rica.

5. Cãogurus?
Mais ou menos. Aquilo que parece ser uma piada fácil de fazer em photoshop, trata-se na verdade de dois cães nas Filipinas que por algum motivo não têm as pernas da frente. Aparentemente conseguem viver normalmente apesar da deficiência.

6. Um ovni:
Não, não se trata de uma cena de um filme, nem a imagem sofreu qualquer manipulação. Trata-se de um fenómeno natural apelidado de “ Nuvens Lenticulares” por se tratar de nuvens com forma semelhante a uma lente.

7. Ah, alguém tirou a rolha da banheira!
Sim, é isso mesmo. Bom, mais ou menos. Trata-se do lago Berryessa na Califórnia. Este lago possui um sistema de escoamento que controla o nível da água, originando este efeito quando está em funcionamento.

Luke - O Bardo Apresenta:

Luke - O Bardo Apresenta: Macho Pesca Assim!

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BIG Fat Gypsy Wedding

BIG Fat Gypsy Wedding

Wedding Dresses 2011

Color dresses is in after the wedding ceremony the bride at the wedding banquet or party on clothing, can according to the characteristics of the wedding outfit. Wedding gown in order to display the personality will find much larger dress designs, such as the first one color dress choose fishplate type unfold own fair maiden wind, the first two dress will choose the lovely dress, princess on colour will also have larger jumps. But there are also part of the bride will choose to dress styles to further out of character and temperament is praiseworthy.

Most often, the same color just isn’t going to look as good on one bridesmaid as it does the next. A simple way to fix this is to choose two different colors and let your bridesmaid choose which one she would like to wear. This can get tricky because if you have four bridesmaids, you have to make sure that two will wear one color while the other two wear the other color. Also be sure to line them up so the colors alternate as they walk down the aisle.

Destination Wedding

Want to get married on your honeymoon? The purpose of marriage increasingly popular among couples who want to redirect the sound of traditional marriage and to make the leap into entertainment. Around the world, you'll find hotels and resorts that offer on-site assistance for planning your wedding, from details like the wedding license to extras such as music and photos. What is the special day involves just the two of you or whether you'll stay with friends and relatives to join this event, wedding destination can be a way to create beautiful memories.

But first, a reaction. The purpose of marriage is not for everyone. If you like the idea of a big weddings with all the relatives and friends, please ignore this idea. Even with years of planning, almost impossible to schedule all coordinated for this kind of event.

But many couples say "Yes" to the idea of destination weddings not only as a way to make a special occasion, but as a tool to simplify the whole process. "Just say, and we will take care of everything," explains Ava Burke-Thompson, director of guest services at the Sheraton "Grand Resort Paradise Island, Bahamas. "We can arrange for the marriage license, minister, priest or rabbi, florist and photographer, bride cake and champagne. And dinner and weddings exercises"

Designer Shoes Wedding 2011

Choose a shoe style that complements your wedding dress, your personal style, and your overall look. Silk or satin are the two most popular choices for wedding shoes, however your wedding dress and personal taste should have the greatest impact on the shoes you choose. The choice of fabric choice plays a major role in ‘look’ of your wedding shoes. Bridal shoes are available in a wide variety of material and colours. White, cream and light shades are the preferred choice of most brides. Added adornments like beads, sequins and embroidery make your bridal shoes appear fabulous.

Popular Flowers Wedding

A good wedding flower is tropical flowers tend to be far better than our native blooms when it comes to withstanding the hot interior of a church or reception hall. Flowers like orchids, lilies and dahlias are all great ones for a wedding flower. They hold up to the heat very well and can take long drought periods, thanks to their hardy leaves and petals that retain moisture even in stifling conditions.

The ideal would be a flower that you love the look of, which combines beauty with functionality. For a summer wedding, how well the flowers will stand up to the heat is a very important consideration. There is nothing more stressful on your wedding day than discovering that all your blooms are wilting away in the intense heat.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bridal Shower Invitations

Make sure your invitations reflect your vision of your day. Traditional wording can be used, or you can use inspirational wording or write your own. Unless you have a degree in art, English, and etiquette. Invitations are usually themed when they follow a theme wedding. Using various creations the invitations are usually ranging from the size of the book to the small money envelops. Usually one can notice the names of the groom and the bride on the face of the card printed with the date of the wedding. This is towards the left and center aligned is the space that gives the name of the invitee. Below the cover page at the footer is the address of the invitation. Opening envelop, we now see the card for the invitation which has complete dates and names of the events.

Hair Combs Wedding

As the bride, all eyes are on you. So everything about you must be perfect. Your hairstyle will surely be noticed by almost everyone. And since choosing the proper wedding hairstyle is highly important, it is just a requisite that you spend enough time to choose what is best for you. The most essential thing is to take into consideration who you are. While most prefer their hair up during their big day.

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