on Thursday to help more than 12 million people across the Horn of Africa reeling
From a severe drought.The African Development Bank offered $300 million
While African countries and other private donors raised the rest, the African Union Commission chief Jean Ping announced.The fund-raising conference in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa was the first of its kind by the pan-African body, which has so far pledged only $500,000 of the needed $2.4 billion (1.6 billion euros) to a*sist the 12.4 million drought victims.
The Horn of Africa is suffering its worst drought in decades which, combined with conflict and resource mismanagement in Somalia, has led to what the UN describes as the world’s worst unfolding humanitarian disaster.
The world body for the first time this century has declared a state of famine in five Somali regions and said it could spread to engulf the country’s entire south.
The drought has also left millions in parts of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda facing starvation.
Source: AFP
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