Well, today was my saline infusion ultrasound of my uterus to get a good look at that «boulder» of a fibroid and see if it’s posing a problem for a pregnancy.
Never had this type of ultrasound before so I guess we can add this to my growingВ list of «hoops I’ve jumped thru to get pregnant».В It was kind of weird sitting there waiting and I found myself quietly looking at the monitor screen.В There it was.В That weird conical shaped viewing area where so many mom’s-to-be get to peek at something so exciting.
Now I know the machine wasn’t even in use yet so of course it was empty, but it still made me wonder if I’ll ever get to see our miracle in there.
The doctor came in and described how the test would go.В Basically very similar to many other tests I’ve done so far.В Except for that saline part.В Ugh.В They do an ultrasound of the uterus and then continue monitoring as they inject saline thru a catheter.В Not so fun.В But it wasn’t terrible and took a little longer than an IUI would.
The good news.В We finally have some.
The fibroid isn’t too big to be concerned about.В This is good.В And it’s located a little over to the left, which is also good because there’s less chance of it being in the way for an implantation to take place.В It’s also not pushing into the cavity of the uterus.В This is great.В If it were, we’d probably have to do surgery.
What-if we do IVF and it doesn’t work?В Will I forever be blaming that damn fibroid?But I trust my doctor and her opinion.В So the next step is deciding what cycle we’d like to attempt IVF.В She said we could try as early as October!
Wow.В This is so real now.В And so scary.
Triple antihypertensive Tx urged for diabetics: BP-lowering regimen.(treatment, blood pressure)(Cardiovascular Medicine): An article from: Internal Medicine News
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