Sunday, August 21, 2011

niacin vitamin to reduce depression

niacin vitamin to reduce depression niacin vitamin to reduce depression

Used to be recommended in AlcoholicsВ AnonymousВ but not any longer.В 500-3000 mg/day!В For VERY sick people, like the depressed lady in the story in "Food Matters" (41:00 Minutes in) she was taking 11,500mg/day!!!В And was functioning normally.В He said take "as much as it takes to get them better".
Abram Hoffer recommended 3,000mg/day was the end of Bill Williams depression!
TwoВ handfulsВ of Cashews have the same effect asВ ProzacВ on depression.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=996a5a2e91f3c54d&biw=1366&bih=643

Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy

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